First off, hey!
Haven't been here in a while. I just been working like crazy.
Second I have a very, very BIG argument with my exbff about me and this "faze". Supposedly, I am in a faze that I will come out of very soon.
Third, I have been getting emails about what I should eat on my plate. Well I am here to tell you.
You want 5+ serving of grains & starchy vegetables:
-Grains are a great source of fiber and iron, they also contain some protein. They are rich in vitamin B.
-You need 5 or more serving per day to get all the nutritious you need.
-Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, yams are all amazing sources.
-My serving are 1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta. 1 sweet potato, 1 ounce oatmeal (flavored), 1 slice of whole wheat bread (toasted).
You want 3+ serving of legumes & soyfoods:
-Legumes (funny word to say) and soyfoods provide an amazing!! amount of protein. Which is the basic component of all living cells that supports growth, maintenance, and repair.
-Most have calcium and iron.
-You need 3 or more serving per day.
-Kidney beans, tofu, tempeh, lentils, peas are all good sources.
-My serving are 1/2 cup cooked beans, 1/2 cup tofu, 1/2 cup tempeh, 1 cup fortified soy milk.
You want 2+ serving of fruit:
-Fruits are great for hydration and they're a fantastic source of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants.
-You need 2 or more serving per day.
-Apples, oranges, blueberries, blackberries, and bananas are the best sources.
-My serving are 1 medium-sized, fresh fruit, 1 cup cut-up fruit.
You want 1-2 serving of seeds & nuts:
-Nuts and seeds provide protein, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.
-You need 1 to 2 servings per day.
-Pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, tahini, flax seeds, walnuts, and almonds are wonderful sources.
-My servings are 1/4 cup nuts, 2 tbsp seeds, 1 tbsp nut or seed butter.
You want 4+ serving of vegetables:
-Vegetables are provide beta carotene which turns into vitamin A in your body, vitamin C, and cancer-fighting phytochemicals.
-You need 4 or more servings per day.
-Kale, broccoli, spinach, romaine lettuce, peppers, and cabbage are fantastic source.
-My serving are 1/2 cup cooked veggies, 1 cup raw veggies, 1/2 cup veggie juice.
If you need any help you can go to;
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